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Mosaic Magazine, Annual Index, Volume 8, 1977
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Annual Index
Vol. 8; 1977

Issue Numbers:
1: January/February
2: March/April
3: May/June
4: July/August
5: September/October
6: November/December

Abate, Christine, 5: 30-33
Abdel-Hady, M.A., 6:13
Abler, Ronald, 2: 39-45
Abt, Helmut A., 2: 16, 19
Abu Dh'abbab, 6: 11, 16, 17
Accelerators, heavy-ion, 5: 21-27
Acoustic surface wave devices, 3: 38-41; 5: 19
Adams, John, 2: 40-45
Adolescent socialization, 6: 22, 23
Adovasio, James, 2: 26-29
Aerosols and climate, 1: 17, 18
Aflatoxins, 3: 20
Africa, arid lands, 1: 2-6, 12, 13, 15-17
technical aid, 6: 39-43
tectonics, 6: 10-17
Agency for International Development (AID), 6: 39
Aggarwal, Yash P., 2: 4, 5; 6: 32
Agriculture, arid lands, 1: 20-27, 36-43, 50-52; 6: 45-47
Agriculture, Department of, 1: 44; 3: 20; 4: 24-28; 6: 50
Allcott, Glenn, 6: 50
Allegheny Observatory, 2: 17
Allen, Clarence, 2: 6, 7
Alloys, aluminum, 6: 7
high-nitrogen, 6: 4-6
Amino acids, 3: 4-6; 4: 12
left-handed and right-handed, 2: 21, 5: 9
Anaxagoras, 4: 17, 22
Anderson, Don L., 2: 5
Anderson, Douglas, 2: 29
Anderson, D.S., 6: 22, 23
Anderson, Roger, 3: 16, 17
Antonov, Sergei P., 6: 6,9
Aptitude test scores, students, 4: 42
Aquaculture, desert, 1: 50
Arabian Desert, 1: 4, 5, 6, 10
Archaeoastronomy, Mayas, 6: 49
Archaeology, America, 2: 22-29; 5: 4,5
Southeast Asia, 3: 30-37
Arecibo radio telescope, 2: 15, 19, 20
Arid lands (special issue), 1
agriculture, 1: 20-27, 36-43; 50-52; 6: 45-47
climate, 1: 14-19
grazing, U.S., 1: 36-43
irrigation, 1: 44-49
Mexico, 6: 45-47
North America, 1: 4-6, 8, 15, 28-43, 6: 45-47
precipitation, 1: 4, 5, 7-22, 37, 40; 4: 38
technology, 1: 44-52
temperatures, 1: 3, 5, 7-15
U.S. 1: 4-6, 8, 15? 28-43
weather, 1: 14-19
see also Deserts
ARIES program, 2: 6
Asada, Toshi, 6: 25-28
Asia, deserts, 1: 4-7, 10, 11
Astrometry, 2: 16, 17; 6: 20, 21
Astronomy, 2: 15-21
Australia, 6: 20
balloon, 2: 31-36
Atacama Desert, 1: 5, 6, 9
Atmospheric circulation models, 4: 38, 41
Atmospheric research, balloon, 2: 30-37
Atomic nucleus, discovery, 4: 17
Atomic theory, 4: 16-22
Australian Desert, 1: 5, 7
Australia, scientific research, 6: 18-23
Aveni, Anthony, 6: 49

Babbage, Charles, 5: 4
Bacteriophages, 3: 3, 4, 7, 9
Bagnold, Ralph A., 1: 2
Ballooning, scientific, 2: 30-37; 6: 22
Baltimore, David, 3: 8
Bannister, Bryant, 5: 2, 4, 9
Barnard's star, 2: 17, 20
Barnett, Tim P., 4: 38-41
Batelle Laboratories, 6: 5
Beadle, George Wells, 3: 5
Bedoian, William, 1: 22, 25
Bedouins, 6: 11, 16, 17
Beef production, 4: 23-28
Belagaje, Ramamoorty, 3: 4
Bell Telephone Laboratories, 5: 16, 19
Bering land bridge, 2: 26
Berry, Brian, 2: 40
Berry, Michael J., 3: 23
Bertero, Vitelmo, 6: 36
Bevalac, 5: 23-27
Bevatron, 5: 23
Biddle, Bruce J., 6: 23
Billingham, John, 2: 20
Bjorken, James, 4: 20
Black dwarf stars, 2: 16
Blackwell, David, 6: 16
Biasing, T.J., 5: 5, 6
Blattner, Frederick, 3: 7
Blood flow measurement, 4: 31, 34
Blosser, Henry, 5: 23
Bohr, Niels, 4: 18; 5: 23
Bolt, Bruce A., 6: 25, 31, 37
Boomerang Project balloons, 2: 33, 37
Boorstin, Daniel J., 4: 23
Borchert, John, 2: 40
Boulos, Fouad Kamel, 6: 13, 16
Bowin, Carl, 3: 16
Box, Thadis, 1: 25, 37, 39, 40
Boyd, J.T., 5: 19
Boyer, Herbert, 3: 9
Bragg diffraction, 4: 32
Branton, Daniel, 4: 9, 10, 13
Brenner, Sidney, 3: 5, 6
Bresler, Boris, 6: 37
Bridges, Kent, 4: 5
Broecker, Wallace S., 5: 9
Bronzes, ancient, 3: 33-36
Brookhaven National Laboratory, 4: 20
Broue Paul, 6: 23
Brown, Edmund G., 2: 7
Brown, Eugene L., 3: 7
Bryson, Reid, 1: 16, 18
Building design, earthquake zones, 6: 32-37
Building research, Australia, 6: 23
Bunshah, Ron F., 6: 6, 7

Caldwell, John C., 1: 21, 23, 24
Calvin, Melvin, 6: 40
Camara, Fernando, 6: 47-49
Campos Lopez, Enrique, 6: 45, 47
Cancer cells, 4: 15
Cancer diagnosis, 4: 30, 33
Carbohydrates, cell membrane, 4: 9, 11
Carbon dioxide and climate, 1: 17, 18
Carbon-14 dating, 2: 24; 3: 31, 32; 5: 5
Carcinogens, 3: 20
Cardwell, Richard, 3: 14
CARS spectroscopy, 3: 20
Cattle, range feeding, 4: 23-28
Cell membrane research, 3: 9; 4: 9-15
Censuses, U.S., 2: 41, 42
Chang, William S.C., 5: 19
Charles, Jaques Alexander Cesar, 2: 31
Charm, 4: 18-22
Charney, Jule, 1: 18
Charoenwongsa, Pisit, 3: 32
Chemical analysis, laser, 3: 19, 20
Chemistry education, 5: 10-14
Chervin, Robert, 4: 38
Chichen Itza, 6: 49
Chihuahuan Desert, 1: 4, 5, 8, 37
Childs, R. Dennis, 4: 26
China, deserts, 1: 4, 5, 7
Choice beef, 4: 25
Choppin, Purnell W., 4: 15
Chopra, Anil K., 6: 32, 36
Christianson, Dan, 2: 32
Cities, U.S., geography, 2: 38-45
Clark, Kenneth, 6: 49, 50
CLIMAP program, 1: 17
Climate, arid lands, 1: 14-19
Climate and tree rings, 1: 19; 5: 2, 5-9
Climatic Optimum, 1: 16, 18
Climatology, 4: 35-41
Coast and Geodetic Survey, 6: 34
Cochrane, Harold C., 2: 11-13
Collins, Wayne, 1: 50
Color, quarks, 4: 18, 21
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), 6: 23
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI), 2: 20
Communications, optical, 5: 15-19
Comparative Metropolitan Analysis Project (CMAP), 2: 41-45
Composites, 6: 8
Condren, Mike, 5: 11, 14
Congress, U.S., 1: 38, 39
Continental drift, 1: 16; 6: 10-17
Conversion of Ecosystems Project, 1: 30, 33
Cook, Edward R., 5: 9
Cook, Wayne, 1: 43; 4: 25-28
COPLAN program, 1: 43; 4: 26, 27
Corning Glass Works, 5: 15
Cosmic rays, 2: 31-36; 6:22
Crick, Francis H.C., 3: 5
Curray, Joseph, 3: 16
Cutting tools, 6:4, 6
Cyclotrons, 5:22, 23; 6: 19
Cypress domes, 3: 26-28
Cytoplasm, cell, 4: 9-14

Daggett, Paul, 6: 11, 17
Daily Urban Systems, 2: 40, 42, 44
Damon, Paul, 5: 5; 6: 49,50
Darwin, Charles, 1: 35
Dating, archaeological, 2: 24, 25; 3: 31, 32; 5: 4, 5
Davis, Russ, 4: 37
Dean, Jeffrey S., 5: 5
Dear, Michael, 2: 44, 45
Death Valley, 1: 5, 28, 41
de Buffon, Comte, 5: 4
DeFreece, Eugene, 2: 32
Democritus, 4: 17, 20, 22
Dendrochronology, 1: 19; 5: 2-9
de Rozier, Jean Francois Pilatre, 2: 31
De Rujula, Alvaro, 4: 17, 21
Desert Biome project, 1: 21, 35, 42
Desertification, 1: 18, 21, 24-26, 43, 44, 50
Desert Land Act of 1877, 1: 38
Desert Research Institute, 1: 35
Deserts (special issue), 1
age, 1: 4, 5
agriculture, 1: 20-27, 36-43, 50-52
area, 1: 4
biology, 1: 28-35
classification, 1: 4, 6-13
climate and weather, 1: 14-19
definition, 1: 3, 4
ecology, 1: 28-35
formation, 1: 4, 5, 18, 21, 24
greenhouses, 1: 50
irrigation, 1: 44-49
plants, 1: 4, 30, 31
precipitation, 1: 4, 5, 7-13, 15-22, 4: 38
reclamation, 1: 44
revegetation, 1: 50-52
soil types, 1: 4
temperatures, 1: 3, 5, 7-14, 15
winds, 1: 5
world maps, 1: 7-14
zoology, 1: 31-35
see also Arid lands
Devins, D.W., 6: 20
Dilatancy earthquake model, 2: 5-7
Dill, David Bruce, 1: 35
Dirac, Paul, 4: 18
DNA synthesis, 3: 3-9
Dobrin, M.B., 6: 14
Doppler blood flow measurement, 4: 31, 34
Doppler shift, stars, 2: 18
Douglass, Andrew E., 5: 4, 7, 9
Downing, Theodore, 6: 47-49
Drake, Frank, 2: 19-21
Dregne, Harold, 1: 47, 51, 52
Droughts, 1: 15-19, 39, 40; 4: 28, 35; 5: 7, 9
Sahel, 1: 16, 18, 21
Dudley, Richard G., 6: 41, 42
Duhamel, Henri, 5: 4
Duke, C. Martin, 6: 37
Dunes, 1: 2, 5
Dung beetles, 6: 47
Dunn, Floyd, 4: 30-33
Dust bowl, U.S., 1: 39
Duststorms, 1: 36, 39, 40
Dwyer, Don D., 1: 39, 40
Dye lasers, 3: 22

Earthquake engineering, Japan, 6: 33-37
Earthquake insurance, 2: 12, 13
Earthquake prediction, 2: 2-7; 6: 26-31, 37
China, 2: 2, 13; 6: 29
economic impact, 2: 11-13
lead time, 2: 10
legal problems, 2: 14
social consequences, 2: 8-14
Earthquakes and tectonics, 3: 10, 14; 6: 11, 16, 17, 25-37
Earthquakes, Egypt, 6: 11, 16, 17
Japan, 6: 25-29, 33-37
Taiwan, 6: 30-32
Eaton, Jerry, 6: 26
Echeverria, Luis, 6: 46
Echo location, 3: 39; 4: 29
Eckholm, Erik P., 1: 24, 44, 46
Ecology, deserts, 1: 28-35
marine, 4: 2-8
wetlands, 3: 23-29
Economic impact of earthquake prediction, 2: 11-13
Edelman, Gerald M., 4: 14, 15
Edidin, Michael, 4: 10
Edmonds, David, 6: 47
Education, Australia, 6: 23
chemistry, 5: 10-14
junior high, 5: 28-33
Eelgrass, 4: 3-6
Eggen, Olin J., 6: 20, 21
Egypt, tectonics, 6: 10-17
Ehrlich, Robert, 6: 14
Eichhorn, Heinrich, 2: 17
Einstein, Albert, 4: 18, 19
Eisenthal, Kenneth B., 3: 21, 22
Electromagnetic force, 4: 18, 19
Electromagnetic to acoustic wave conversion, 3: 38-41
Electrometallurgy, 6: 2-9
Electrometallurgy and Welding, Soviet-American Symposium on 6: 6
Electron beam coating, 6: 4, 6
Electron, discovery, 4: 17
Electroslag remelting (ESR); 6: 4, 8, 9
El Nino, 4: 39-41
El Shazly, E.M., 6: 13-17
Empedocles, 4: 17
Employment, scientists and engineers, 1972-1976, 6: 54
Energy, Department of, 6: 7
Energy, industrial R&D spending, 2: 46
Energy Research and Development Administration, 6: 50
Engel, A.E.J., 6: 14
Engel, Michael, 5: 9
Environmental impact statements, 2: 22; 4: 26
Environmental Protection Agency, 1: 47; 3: 25, 29
Epsilon Eridani, 2: 17, 20
Epstein, Samuel, 5: 9
Eratosthenes, 2: 38
Evertson, Dale W., 6: 27
Ewel, Katherine, 3: 26, 27
Excimer lasers, 3: 22, 23
Exobiology, 2: 15-21
Extraterrestrial life, 2: 15-21

Fairbank, William M., 4: 17
Famine, Sahel, 1: 21
Federal R&D growth, 1978, 5: 34
Federal R&D support for natural resources, 1: 54
Ferguson, C.W., 5: 4, 5
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), 4: 18-22
Fertilizers, 4: 24-28
Feynman, Richard, 4: 20
Fireballs, nuclear, 5: 20, 27; 6: 22
Flemings, Merton C., 6: 9
Flores, Edmundo, 6: 47
Fluorescence, laser, 3: 18-23
Fogel, Martin, 1: 49
Food chain, marine, 4: 3-8
Food research, Australia, 6: 23
Forest Service, U.S., 1: 43
Foster, Kennith E., 1: 40
Fourier analysis, ulrasound, 4: 32
Fourier transform spectroscopy, 2: 18
Friedman, Abraham, 6: 50
Fritts, Harold C., 1: 19; 5: 5-7
Fritz, Hans-Joachim, 3: 4
Frye, David, 4: 10
Fry, William J, 4: 30
Fujimoto, Yoichi, 6: 22
Fulani herdsmen, 1: 22
Fuller, Ken, 6: 19, 23
Fusion, nuclear, 5: 26

Gardner, William, 2: 26
Garmany, J.D., 2: 5
Garrison, William, 2: 39
Gas, natural, 3: 12
Gatewood, George, 2: 17
Gay-Lussac, Joseph, 2: 31
Gell-Mann, Murray, 4: 18, 20
Generation gap, 6: 22
Gene synthesis, 3: 3-9
Gene therapy, 3: 8; 4: 15
Geography, urban, U.S., 2: 38-45
Geological Survey, 2: 4-8, 14, 29; 6: 26-29, 31, 50
Geology, minerals, 3: 10-17; 6: 49, 50
Georgi, Howard, 4: 21
Geothermal energy, 6: 32, 50
Gerhardt, Phillip, 6: 23
GHOST balloon program, 2: 37
Gilbert, Walter, 3: 8
Girdler, Ron, 6: 16
Glaciation, 1: 14-17, 26
Glashow, Sheldon, 4: 20-22
Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP), 4: 41
Glycolipids, 4: 11
Glycoproteins, 4: 11
GOAL optimization model, 1: 43
Gobi Desert, 1: 5, 7, 11
Golden, Robert, 2: 31, 32, 33
Goodenough, Daniel A., 4: 12
Gorman, Chester, 3: 32-37
Gordon, Robert J., 3: 21
Gould, Stephen, 3: 7
Gramiak, Raymond, 4: 30
Grass-fed beef cattle, 4: 23-28
Grazing, U.S. arid lands, 1: 36-43
Great Basin, U.S., 1: 4, 8, 35, 37, 41
Great Plains, U.S., 1: 15-17, 37-40, 48; 4: 24, 27; 5: 9
Greegor, David H. Jr., 1: 32
Greenhouses, desert, 1: 50
Griffiths, John F., 1: 15, 19
Guayule rubber, 6: 45-47
Guidotti, Guido, 4: 11, 12
Gustafson, Ron, 4: 24, 27
Gustafson, T.K., 5: 19

Haas, J. Eugene, 2: 8-14
Hady, M. Abdel, 1: 49
Hagiwara, Takahiro, 6: 28
Halffter, Gonzalo, 6: 47
Hall, Donald N.B., 2: 18
Han, Mark, 3: 31, 32
Hare, P.E., 2: 29
Hartung, Horst, 6: 49
Hausa farmers, 1: 22
Hayes, Dennis, 3: 12, 13, 16, 17
Haynes, Vance, 2: 29
Hayward, Raymond, 2: 21
Hazeltine, Barrett, 6: 43
Heavy ions, 5: 20-27
Heckel, Richard W., 6: 8
Heffner, Leslie, 5: 32
Heisenberg, Werner, 4: 19, 22; 5: 23
Herrin, Eugene, 6: 16
High energy physics, 4: 16-22; 5: 21-27; 6: 21, 22
Hodges, Carl, 1: 50
Holley, Robert W., 3: 3, 6
Holloway, Luther, 4: 8
Holmes, Richard L., 5: 7
Holmes, William Henry, 2: 24
Holography, 5: 15
Horowitz, Michael, 1: 27
Horse latitudes, 1: 5
Horton, Frank, 2: 40
Houghton, David, 4: 38
Housner, George, 6: 34
Hrdlicka, Ales, 2: 24, 26
Hubbard, Dixon D., 4: 28
Hurley, Patrick M., 6: 14
Hyades cluster, 6: 21
Hydrocarbon deposits, 3: 10-17
Hymowitz, Theodore, 6: 23

Ianna, Philip, 6: 21
Ice ages, 1: 14-17; 2: 26
Iliopoulos, John, 4: 20
Imbamba, Simeon K., 6: 40
Indonesia, technical aid, 6: 39
Ingebrigtsen, Kjel A., 3: 41
Insulin, gene synthesis, 3: 8
Integrated optics, 5: 15-19
Interior, Department of, 6: 50
Intermediate Science Curriculum Study, 5: 31
International Biological Program, 1: 21, 30, 42
International Decade of Ocean Exploration, 3: 12; 4: 4, 8, 37, 41
International Geophysical Year, 6: 27
Iranian Desert, 1: 4, 5, 6, 10
Irons, William, 1: 25, 26
Irrigation, arid lands, 1: 44-49
Isacks, Bryan, 3: 14

Jacobs, Alan H., 1: 26
Jacoby, Gordon C, Jr., 5: 9
Japan-U.S. earthquake research, 6: 25-29, 33-37
Jefferson, Thomas, 2: 22
Jenkins, James H., 6: 42
Jennings, Paul C., 6: 37
Johnson, Harold, 1: 33-35
Johnson, Stephen, 6: 25
Judd, Neil M., 5: 4, 5

Kadlec, John H., 3: 29
Kadlec, Robert, 3: 25, 28, 29
Kalahari Desert, 1: 4, 5, 6, 13
Kalish, Douglas, 4: 14
Kanes, William, 6: 12-16
Kaplan, I. R., 3: 16
Karig, Daniel, 3: 14. 16
Karig, David, 3: 11
Karnovsky, Morris J., 4: 15
Katayama, Tsuneo, 6: 37
Kato, Truyuki, 6: 29
Kellogg, William W., 1: 16, 18
Kennett, James, 1: 17
Kenya, technical aid, 6: 39, 40, 42, 43
Khorana, Har Gobind, 3: 3-9
Kidson, John, 1: 18, 19
Kino, Gordon S., 3: 40
Kisslinger, Carl, 6: 26
Kitt Peak National Observatory, 2: 16, 18
Klug, Michael J., 4: 5, 6
Knox, Phillip, 4: 25
Kobori, Takuji, 6: 35, 37
Koppen, Wladimir, 1: 4
Kornberg, Arthur, 3: 3, 9
Kubara, Robert, 2: 32
Kubo, Keizaburo, 6: 36, 37
Kuechler, Jacob, 5: 4
Kufra Desert, 1: 48
Kutzbach, John, 1: 17-19; 4: 38

LaMarche, Valmore, 5: 7
Land Management, Bureau of, 1: 39; 4: 26
LaRue, George S., 4: 17
Laser chemistry, 3: 18-23
Lasers, 5: 15, 18, 19
Laughlin, William S., 1: 15; 2: 26
Lawrence, Ernest, 4: 20; 5: 22, 23
Lawson, Merlin P., 5: 6
Lederberg, Joshua, 3: 5
Lee, Ki-Suk, 2: 41, 44
Lee, Wonyong, 4: 18-22
LeHouerou, Henri N., 1: 52
Leonardo da Vinci, 2: 31
Lerman, Juan Carlos, 5: 9
Leslie, Bob, 6: 22
Less-developed countries (LDC's), technical aid, 6: 39-43
Levy, Donald H., 3: 23
Levy, Saul J., 2: 16, 19
Lewis, Meriwether, 1: 37
Libby, Willard F., 2: 24
Lighter-than-air science, 2: 30-37
Light pipes, 5: 16
Lipids, cell membrane, 4: 9-15
Lippincott, W. T., 5: 14
Little Ice Age, 1: 16, 17
Lofgren, G. Robert, 5: 5, 6
Long, Austin, 5: 9
Low, Frank, 2: 34
Lu, L.W., 6: 32
Lynch, Thomas, 2: 27, 28

MacMahon, Jim, 1: 35
Maddin, Robert, 3: 33
Magellanic Clouds, 6: 20
Mahmood, Khalid, 1: 46, 52
Maiani, Luciano, 4: 20
Maloiy, Jeffrey, 1: 34
Manhattan Project, 4: 19
Mantle, minerals, 3: 10-17
Marcy, R.B., 1: 37
Mares, Michael A., 1: 31-33
Marine life, 4: 2-8
Martin, George, 6: 21
Maunder Minimum, 1: 17
Mau, Sheng-Taur, 6: 32
Mayas, Mexico, 6: 49
McCarthy, Ian, 6: 20
McGee, W. J., 1: 5
McGinnies, William G., 1: 52
McIntyre, Donald, 6: 45, 47
McKelvey, Vincent E., 2: 14
McMillan, Calvin, 4: 5-8
McNamara, Robert, 1: 27
McRoy, C. Peter, 4: 4-8
Mead, Margaret, 2: 19, 21
Meadowcroft Rockshelter, 2: 22-29
Meat and Dairy Institute, Moscow, 6: 7
Meat production, 4: 23-28
Medical ultrasonics, 4: 29-34
Mediterranean, tectonics, 6: 13, 16
Medovar, B.T., 6: 9
Meigs, Peveril, 1: 4, 7
Melendez, George, 5: 32
Membranes, cell, 3: 9; 4: 9-15
Metallogenesis, 3: 10-12, 16; 6: 50
Metallurgy, ancient, 3: 33-37
U.S.S.R. 6: 2-9
Mexico, arid lands, 6: 45-47
Mexico-U.S. research cooperation, 6: 45-50
Micheli, Ron, 4: 25
Mid-Atlantic Rift, 6: 13
Migrants, Mexico, 6: 47-49
Mileti, Dennis S., 2: 8-14
Miller, Albert, 2: 27
Millikan, Robert A., 4: 17
Mills, Joseph W., 6: 40, 41
Milne, Lorus, 4: 7
Milne, Margery, 4: 7
Mineral deposits, 3: 10-17; 6: 49, 50
Mitchell, Gordon, L., 5: 18
Mitchell, J. Murray, 1: 16; 5: 7, 9
Mobile laboratories, 5: 10-14
Modulators, optical, 5: 18, 19
Mojave Desert, 1: 4, 5, 33, 37, 41; 6: 29
Molecular biology, 3: 3-9
Monsoons, 1: 21, 22; 2: 37
Monte Desert, 1: 5, 6, 9, 30-33
Montgolfier balloon, 2: 31
Mooney, Harold A., 1: 30
Moore, Gregory, 3: 16
Morgan, Paul, 6: 11-13, 16, 17
Moss-Bennett Act of 1974, 2: 22
Mouat, David, 1: 52
Movchan, B.A., 6: 6
Muhly, James, 3: 33, 34
Murrell, W.G., 6: 23
Muto, Kioshi, 6: 33-37

Nagy, Bartholomew, 5: 9
Nairn, A.E.M., 6: 14
Namias, Jerome, 4: 36-39
Namib Desert, 1: 4, 5, 6, 13
Narang, Saran A., 3: 9
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 2: 20, 31, 4: 38; 6: 22, 29
National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, 2: 15, 19
National Bureau of Standards, 6: 7, 50
National Center for Atmospheric Research, 2: 31-34; 4: 38, 41; 5: 7
National Institutes of Health, 3: 8
National Marine Fisheries Service, 4: 4, 6, 40
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 4: 38; 5: 7
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 2: 17, 19
National Research Council, 6: 9
National Science Foundation see NSF Naval Observatory, 2: 17
Naval Research, Office of, 4: 37, 41
Neurosonic surgery, 4: 30
Newhouse, Vernon, 4: 31, 34
Newmark, Nathan, 6: 34
Newton, Frances, 4: 28
Newton, Isaac, 4: 17
New York City, science education, 5: 28-33
Nigeria, technical aid, 6: 40, 41
Nile Valley, tectonics, 6: 14, 15
Nippes, Ernest F., 6: 7
Nirenberg, Marshall W., 3: 3, 5
Nitrogen alloys, 6: 4-6
Nolasco, Margarita, 6: 47-49
Nomadic herdsmen, Sahel, 1: 21-27
Noninvasive examination, medical, 4: 29-34
NORPAX program, 4: 37-41
North America, arid lands, 1: 4-6, 8, 15, 28-35, 36-43; 6: 45-47
Norton, Brien E., 1: 24, 43
No-till renovator, 4: 26, 28
Nowak, Frank, 4: 33,34
NSF Divisions
Astronomical Sciences, 2: 21
Atmospheric Sciences, 2: 37
Chemistry, 3: 23
Engineering, 1: 52
International Programs, 1: 52
Science Education Development and Research, 5: 14
NSF Programs
Anthropology; 1: 27; 2: 29; 3: 37; 5: 9
Biochemistry, 3: 9; 4: 15
Biophysics, 4: 15
Cellular Biology, 4: 15
Climate Dynamics, 1: 19; 4: 37, 41; 5: 9
Control and Automation, 4: 34
Devices and Waves, 3: 41
Ecosystems Studies, 1: 27, 43
Electrical and Optical Communications, 5: 19
Geochemistry, 5: 9
Geology, 5: 9; 6: 13
Geophysics, 2: 7; 6: 13
High Energy Physics, 4: 22
Human Geography and Regional Science, 2: 45
Improvement of Pre-College Instruction, 5: 33
Instrumentation Technology, 4: 34
International Decade of Ocean Exploration, 3: 12; 4: 4, 8, 37, 41
Metallurgy, 3: 37
Meteorology, 1: 19
Regional Environmental Management, 3: 29
Regional Environmental Systems, 1: 43
Resource Systems, 4: 28
Scientists and Engineers in Economic Development (SEED), 6: 39-43
Seabed Assessment, 3: 17
Social Response to Natural Hazards, 2: 14
Special Foreign Currency, 6: 13
Special (Social Science) Projects, 3: 37
Theoretical Physics, 4: 22
U.S.-Japan Cooperative Science, 6: 26, 37
U.S.-R.O.C. Cooperative Science, 6: 31, 32
Nuclear Science, 5: 27
Nuclear physics, 4: 16-22; 5: 20-27
Australia, 6: 19, 20
Nuclear power stations, Japan, 6: 36
Nucleosynthesis, 5: 27
Nucleotides, 3: 5, 6

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 5: 22
Ocean-atmosphere interaction, 4: 35-41
Oceanography, minerals, 3: 10-17
Oceanography, weather prediction, 4: 35-41
Ochoa, Severo, 3: 3
Odum, Eugene, 3: 25
Odum, Howard T., 3: 25-28
Ogden, John, 4: 5
Oil, 3: 10-17; 4: 24; 6: 14
Optics, integrated, 5: 15-19
Orth, Robert, 4: 3
Outreach program, colleges, 5: 10-14
Ozma projects, 2: 17-19

Pacific Ocean, influence on weather, 4: 35-41
tectonics, 6: 25-37
Pagodas, Japan, 6: 35
Paleo-Indians, American, 2: 22-29
Palmdale bulge, 2: 7
Palmer Drought Severity Index, 5: 7
Palmer, Patrick, 2: 19
Palouse, 1: 37
Pangea, 6: 13
Parallax, stellar, 6: 21
Parker, Patrick, 4: 6
Pasture land, Mexico, 6: 47
Patagonian Desert, 1: 6, 9
Paton Welding Institute, 6: 6, 9
Patzert, William, 4: 38-41
Peak, Lawrence S., 6: 22
Peat bogs, wastewater disposal, 3: 28, 29
Pedocals, 1: 4
Penzien, Joseph, 6: 31, 32, 36
Peruvian Desert, 1: 5, 6, 9
Petroleum deposits, 3: 10-17; 4: 24; 6: 14
Philippine Sea, tectonics, 6: 27-32
Phillips, Ronald C, 4: 5-8
Photochemistry, laser, 3: 22, 23
Photodetectors, 5: 19
Photonic engineering, 5: 16, 17
Photosynthesis, 1: 30; 6: 40
Pimentel, David, 4: 24
Planck, Max, 4: 17, 18
Planets, alien, 2: 16
Plants, desert, 1: 4, 30, 31
marine, 4: 2-8
Plasma arc melting, 6: 4-6
Plate tectonics, 2: 4; 3: 10-17; 6: 10-17, 25-37
Pollack, Robert E., 4: 15
Pollard, Thomas D., 4: 13
Poskanzer, Arthur M, 5: 26, 27
Powell, John Wesley, 1: 38-43
Precipitation, arid lands, 1: 4, 5, 7-13, 15-22, 37, 40; 4: 38
Prefixes, metric, 3: 19
Prelog, Vladimir, 3: 5
Press, Frank, 2: 2; 6: 26, 30
Project City Science, 5: 28-33
Promisel, Nathan E., 6: 3-9
Proteins, cell membrane, 4: 9-15
Protein synthesis, 3: 3-6
Proxima Centauri, 6: 21
Public lands, U.S., 1: 39, 43; 4: 26
PUBLIC program, 1: 43
Pupfish, Devils Hole, 1: 28, 32

Quanta, discovery, 4: 17, 18
Quantum physics, 4: 18, 19; 5: 23
Quarks, 4: 16-22; 6: 19, 21, 22
Quinn, William H., 4: 39

Racemization, amino acid, 5: 9
Radio astronomy, 2: 15-21
Australia, 6: 20
Rainey, Froelich, 3: 32
Rainfall, arid lands, 1: 4, 5, 7-22, 37, 40; 4: 38
Ralph, Elizabeth, 3: 31; 5: 5
Raman spectroscopy, 3: 20
Ramirez-Araiza, Alfredo, 6: 46, 50
Rand, James, 2: 37
Range feeding beef cattle, 4: 23-28
Range management, Sahel, 1: 25-27
Rasmussen, Erik, 4: 7
Recombinant DNA, 3: 7, 8
Red Sea, tectonics, 6: 10-17
Reed, Richard P., 6: 7
Refractory compounds, 6: 6
Renton, Don, 1: 43
Research Applied to National Needs (RANN), 1: 43, 3: 25
Richter, Burton, 4: 20, 21
Rifting, tectonic, 6: 12-17
Rikitake, Tsuneji, 6: 28, 29
RNA, 3: 4-7; 4: 15
Robbins, Peter, 6: 42
Roberts, T.D., 5: 11-14
Roberts, Walter Orr, 1: 15, 17
Rosenblueth, Emilio, 6: 34
Rosenblum, Richard, 5: 32
Rubber, guayule, 6: 45
Rutherford, Ernest, 4: 17, 19; 5: 23
Rutherford, F. James, 5: 31, 33
Ryan, Michael J., 3: 3, 7, 9

Sacks, I. Selwyn, 6: 27
Sagan, Carl, 2: 19, 21
Sahara Desert, 1: 2-5, 6, 12, 19
tectonics, 6: 10-17
Sahel, 1: 15-19; 6: 39
agriculture and herding, 1: 20-27
Said, Rushdi, 6: 11, 13, 16, 17
Salas, Guillermo, 6: 50
Samios, Nicholas, 4: 22
San Andreas fault, 2: 3-7; 6: 25, 27, 29
Sanger, Fred, 3: 5
Sano, Riki, 6: 34, 35
Satellite remote sensing, 1: 52
Savage, Warren F., 6: 7
SAW devices, 3: 39-41; 5: 19
Sawkins, Frederick, 3: 10, 12
Scattering, ionic, 5: 26
Schauffler, William, 3: 34, 35
Schawlow, Arthur L., 3: 19
Schneider, Stephen H., 1: 16, 19
Schnell, Russell 1: 18
Scholz, Christopher, 6: 29
Schwegler, Benny, 3: 29
Science and engineering doctorates, women, 3: 42
Science education, junior high, 5: 28-33
Scifries, D.R., 5: 18
Seafloor spreading, 6: 11-16
Sea grass meadows, 4: 2-8
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), 2: 20
SEATAR program, 3: 12-17
Seismometers, 6: 25-28, 30, 31
Setser, Donald Wayne, 3: 22
Seuss, Hans E., 5: 5
Sewage treatment, 3: 25-29
Shankle, Curtis, 5: 11
Shankle, Kathy, 5: 11
Shantz, H.L., 1: 4
Shipley, Alfred, 2: 36, 37
Shiren, Norman, 3: 41
Shor, George, 3: 16
Shu, Shien-Siu, 6: 32
Sierk, Arnold, 5: 26
Sillitoe, Richard, 3: 10, 12
Singer, S. J., 4: 11
Skogerboe, Gaylord, 1: 46, 47
Sleicher, Charles A., 6: 42, 43
Smith, Edward M., 4: 28
Smith, Henry L., 3: 41
Smith, Hugh, 6: 7
Smith, John, 3: 6
Soil Conservation Service, 1: 40; 4: 26
Soil types, desert, 1: 4
Solar energy and climate, 1: 16-18
Solbrig, Otto, 1: 30, 31, 33, 35
Solid state joining, 6: 4, 7, 8
Somali-Chalbi Desert, 1: 6, 12
Sonoran Desert, 1: 4, 5, 8, 28, 30-33, 37, 41; 6: 50
South America, deserts, 1: 5, 6, 9, 30-33
Southeast Asia, archaeology, 3: 30-37
Soviet Union, deserts, 1: 3, 4
Spectroscopy laboratory, mobile, 5: 10-14
Spectroscopy, laser, 3: 19-22
stellar, 2: 18
Spicer, Bryan M., 6: 20
Splinter, William E., 1: 49
Sprock, Harvey, 4: 28
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA), 2: 40, 42, 44
Stanford Positron-Electron Accelerator Ring (SPEAR), 4: 18-22
Stars, binary, 2: 16, 18
Steel, 6: 5, 7
Stephens, Frank S., 5: 26
Stephens, Howard, 6: 45, 47
Steppes, Russian, 1: 3
Stern, Ernest, 3: 39, 41
Stever, H. Guyford, 6: 4
Stock, Reinhard, 5: 26
Stockton, Charles W., 1: 19; 5: 7, 9
Stokes, M.A., 5: 7
Strainmeters, Sacks-Evertson, 6: 27-29
Strangeness, 4: 18, 21
Strong force, atomic, 4: 18, 19; 6: 20
Strong-motion measurements, 6: 31, 34, 36
Stuckenrath, Robert, 2: 29
Stwalley, William C, 3: 20, 22
Subduction, 3: 10-16; 6: 25
Sunspots and climate, 1: 17; 5: 7
Sun-type stars, 2: 16, 19
Superconducting cyclotrons, 5: 23-25
Superheavy elements, 5: 22, 24
Super HILAC, 5: 22, 23
Surgery, neurosonic, 4: 30
Suyehiro, Shigeji, 6: 27-29
Suzuki, Ziro, 6: 26
Svalbe, Imants, 6: 20
Swamps, wastewater disposal, 3: 24-29
Swanberg, Chandler, 6: 16, 17
Swift, Jeremy, 1: 24, 25
Sykes, Lynn, 2: 5
Synchrotrons, 5: 22, 23

Tagawa, Bunji, 4: 11
Taiwan, earthquake research, 6: 30-32
Takahashi, Ryutaro, 6: 34
Takemura, Kazuo H., 5: 14
Takla-Makan Desert, 1: 5, 7, 11
Tang, C.L., 5: 15, 18
Tanzania, technical aid, 6: 42, 43
Tatum, Edward Lawrie, 3: 5
Taylor Grazing Act, 1: 39
Tay Sachs disease, 4: 15
Taylor, Richard, 1: 34
Technical aid, less-developed 43
Technology, arid lands, 1: 44-52
Tectonics, 2: 4; 3: 10-17; 6: 10-17, 25-37
Teicholz, Eric, 6: 23
Temperatures, arid lands, 1: 3, 5, 7-15
Tethys, 6: 13-17
Thailand, archaeology, 3: 31-37
Thar Desert, 1: 5, 6, 11
Thayer, Gordon, 4: 4-8
Theobald, Paul, 6: 50
Thermoluminescent dating, 3: 31
Thomas, Lewis, 4: 15
Thompson, J.J., 4: 17
Thornwaite, C.W., 1: 4
Thunderbird archeological site, 2: 22-29
Tien, P.K., 5: 19
Tieszen, Larry, 6: 39, 40
Tieszen, Sharon, 6: 39
Tilton, Donald, 3: 29
Ting, Samuel C. C., 4: 20, 21
Tissue characterization, ultrasound, 4: 29-34
Titanium, 6: 4, 6-8
Todd, Alexander Robertus, 3: 5
Townes, Charles H., 3: 19
Tree ring research, 1: 19; 5: 2-9
Tsai, Chen, 5: 19
Tsai, Yi-Ben, 6: 30, 31
Tsunami, 6: 28
Tumor cells, 4: 15, 33
Tunisian Pre-Saharan Project, 1: 25, 26
Turkestan Desert, 1: 6, 10
Turner, Ralph H., 2: 13
Turtle grass, 4: 2-7
TWERLE balloons, 2: 30, 37
Twining, A.C., 5: 4

Ultrasonics, medical, 4: 29-34
Umemura, Hejime, 6: 37
Uncertainty Principle, 4: 19
Uranium enrichment, 3: 23
Urban geography, U.S., 2: 38-45
Urban junior high education, 5: 28-33
U.S. arid lands, 1: 4-6, 8, 15, 28-43
U.S.-Mexican Scientific and Technical Cooperation Agreement, 6: 46
U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Working Group on Electrometallurgy, 6: 3, 6
U.S.-U.S.S.R. Science and Technology Agreement, 6: 3, 4, 6, 9

Van de Graaff accelerator, 5: 22-24
van de Kamp, Peter, 2: 15-17, 20
Vander Werf, Calvin A., 5: 14
Van Echo, Andrew, 6: 7
Van Houten, F.B., 6: 14
Verschuur, Gerrit L., 2: 19-21
Vitousek, Martin, 4: 40
Vogel, Tom, 6: 14
Volcanism and climate, 1: 17

Waag, Robert C., 4: 30-34
Wagner, Frederic, 1: 4, 21, 22, 25, 35, 37, 42, 43
Walker, John N, 4: 27, 28
Wang, Shyh, 5: 18
Wang, W., C., 3: 40, 41
Ward, Gerald, 4: 25
Ward, Peter, 2: 4, 6, 7
Warner, William W., 4: 3
Wasilewski, Roman J., 6: 5
Wastewater disposal, 3: 24-29
Watabe, Makoto, 6: 35-37
Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, 3: 25
Watson, James D., 3: 5
Wave guides, optical, 5: 17
Weak force, atomic, 4: 18, 19, 21
Weather, arid lands, 1: 14-19
prediction, 4: 35-41
Weaver, Thomas, 6: 47-49
Weiss, Charles, Jr., 6: 40, 41
Weiss, Leonard, 4: 33, 34
Weissman, Gerald, 4: 10, 15
Welding, 6: 4, 7
Wertime, Theodore, 3: 33
Wetlands, wastewater disposal, 3: 24-29
Wetzel, Robert G., 4: 5, 6
Wheatley, Paul, 3: 37
Wheeler, Tamara Stech, 3: 33
Whinnery, John R., 5: 15-18
Whitcomb, James H., 2: 5, 12
White, R.M., 3: 41
Whittaker, Derek, 6: 43
Wilkins, Maurice H.F., 3: 5
Williams, Jack, 1: 28
Wind, desert, 1: 5
Winkler, David, 6: 47
Winter of 1976-77, 4: 35; 5: 6, 7
Winters, U.S., types, 5: 6-8
Worldwide Standard Seismographic Network (WWSSN), 6: 27, 30
Wu, Francis T., 6: 30, 31
Wu, Ray, 3: 9
Wyrtki, Klaus, 4: 38, 39

Xerophytes, 1: 4
Xerox Research Center, 5: 18

Yapp, Crayton J., 5: 9
Yariv, Ammon, 5: 18
Yeh, Chau-Shioung, 6: 32
Yousef, Mohammed, 1: 33-35
Yukawa, Hideki, 4: 19

Zambia, technical aid, 6: 41-43
Zare, Richard N., 3: 18-23
Zieman, Joseph, 4: 3-8
Zoology, desert, 1: 31-35
Zuckerman, Benjamin, 2: 19
Zumberge, John E., 5: 9
Zweig, George, 4: 18, 20

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